Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Don't Let The Size Of The Mountain Scare You

When we want to implement large-scale change, we need to ensure that the scale of the journey doesn't overwhelm us before we begin.

I was talking recently to some people in a manufacturing company who, quite rightly, want to reshape their business around the customer experience. This is something I happen to know quite a lot about, so we had some excellent discussions as we worked up a plan to deliver the outcomes they wanted in the timeframes that they needed.

And then they chose not to proceed - in part, it seems, because it was too much, too fast. Instead they came back and asked if we might omit some of the activities and maybe take a little longer.

They didn't see that doing that would be worse than doing nothing - leaving them (if we might stretch our analogy) stranded halfway up the mountain having taken a long time to get there.

The scale of the plan reflected the scale of the challenge, and the timeframe was the one which they had understood and agreed was essential. But still they did not want to proceed.

They, like most people who recognise the need for genuine change, had not been able to work out how to do it but when we showed them how, all they could see was the scale of the climb - they had lost sight of the summit.

So we've gone back and confirmed that yes, they really do need to do this thing, and yes, they need to do it quickly - and, yes, everything in the plan is needed to deliver the outcomes they are seeking. So while they are still somewhat apprehensive, they have started to take the first steps.

I sometimes wonder if more of us don't suffer from this problem - shying away from the task because it all seems too big, too quick. But the more I work in the business of change, the more I realise that success comes from a willingness to think bigger, bolder and faster.

After all, can you think of any human achievement of note - any building, enterprise or social movement - which does not have, at its heart, someone's desire to achieve something great and the willingness to turn this desire into reality?

We can be too timid, too self-editing. Think big, and then worry only about getting to the summit, not the scale of the climb.


(Photo Credit: Malta333 /

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Welcome to the Blender

We are facing huge change - but we've faced huge change before. And even if the economy is slowing, it's still enormous and full of opportunity. The future belongs to those of us who accept that things will be different and refuse to play the recession game.

We are in the midst of a set of unprecedented changes that are reshaping our world and which will leave us living in different ways. Things like the global credit crunch, global warming, the spike in worldwide food prices, the spike in oil prices, the spike in commodity prices, war and instability in the Caucasus, technology as a source of social leverage, the dismantling of privacy by Governments and technology, the attrition (in the West) of traditional civil liberties, the growth of China, India, Brazil and Russia, the accelerating erosion of the social contract, the rise of liability litigation and consequent growth of cotton-wool living, the cult of celebrity, increasingly voracious 24-hour multiplatform media, the democratic deficit, nanotechnology, genetic technology, the Aids pandemic, the emasculation of antibiotics, the loss of the idea of public service, famine in Africa - any one of these issues will change how we live.

In combination, well...let's just admit that the law of unintended consequences will apply exponentially. Everything is in the blender, and we don't know what will come out. So that makes many people unhappy and uncomfortable.

But it was ever thus. Sixty years ago, we were climbing out of the abyss of the second world war, the cold war had turned frosty with the Berlin blockade and airlift and (here in the UK) we were hosting the Olympics, and launching the National Health Service. Change.

Forty years ago, we had students rioting in the streets around the World, the Vietnam War, the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, drug culture, the start of civil rights marches in Northern Ireland, the Nigeria - Biafra civil war, the birth pangs of modern feminism and the permissive society.

Twenty-five years ago, we still had the cold war and tactical nukes in Europe, we had boom-bust economics (but we were used to it), we had constant inflation, we had war in the Middle East, we had personal computers and computers in businesses, a few people had mobile phones, we started getting junk mail, we had Japanese industrial quality, we were recovering from race riots in the streets, we had Princess Diana, CNN was still new, we had continued social scandals, we had microprocessor technology, we had drug trials and a new 'cure for cancer' every other week, we had STDs and HIV, we were still aware of the thalidomide scandal and no-one I knew would stand for public office and we didn't trust anyone who did (Jeffrey Archer, Jonathan Aitken, Neil Hamilton, anyone?)

The point is this: at any time in history from the fourteenth century onwards, the nature of human society has always been unstable. The macro factors in our lives - environmental factors, politics, society and technology - have all changed our lives in a complex minuet that carries on continuously and will continue to do so.

We have adapted - and people have thrived. In absolute terms, I will contend that more people are better off, have more opportunities, and live longer now than in any time in history (and yes, I know that there are many millions of people still living Hobbesian lives and that none of us should stop striving to help them, but my point still stands).

We should not be surprised by this: the defining characteristic of Homo Sapiens is our ability to adapt and shape our environment to our purposes - to think about our situation and then to take steps to bring it under our control. And every change offers a new opportunity to do so.

And when billions of people are faced with new circumstances, that's billions of people looking for and taking opportunities to bring their lives under more control. Some will fail - but many more will succeed.

So let's accept that we are all in the blender and that we all have to live with change. There is no point, therefore, in getting unhappy about it. The trick, instead, is to work out how best to live with it, or better, take advantage of it.

As a friend of mine pointed out to me the other day while we were talking about the economy, "Recession? That's just a six months of negative growth. The economy has stopped growing for a while, that's all. It's still going, and it's still huge and it's still full of opportunity."

If you think of the economy as an elephant - then my business, your business or any else's business is just flea on that elephant. Does it matter to the flea if the elephant is a bit fatter or a bit thinner? Not really. The flea can still thrive.

The good folks at BNI have got the idea. That's their badge at the top. An excellent philosophy and one that all of us should adopt.
